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Sunday, April 29, 2012

Chipotle Turkey and Bacon Grilled Cheese

 Just a little something to get you by while my new website is being finished. WOOOO-HOOOO!!!!!!! oh, sorry... and since it is still April, National Grilled Cheese Month, I thought I'd share another tasty toaster that we had for dinner last week. We wanted a something a little heartier since it was dinner after all, and it was Chris' turn to go to the G store. He got inspired himself and picked up some beautiful bacon and a new favorite of ours, chipotle turkey breast. 

I can't believe that I have never heard of National Grilled Cheese Month before this year, but I am sooooo happy that I know now. I will look at April in a whole new way from now on, and thank goodness for that ;)

This bacon was so beautiful I had include it in the pictures for this sandwich. GREAT TIP: start your bacon on a cold surface, it splatters a lot less and it cooks more evenly. And DON'T CROWD THE PAN or you will successfully steam your bacon into a limp, lifeless strip of gray meat. Ew.

 Oh man, I love the way this griddle cooks bacon. I am a big believer in baking my bacon in the oven as well. I also really like nuking it the microwave. However you like to cook your bacon, just cook it!!! 

Chris like his less crispy than I do so his is on the left and mine is on the right. That's another wonderful thing about cooking at home: free customization.
 As always I had a plethora of cheeses on hand. "And I just would like to know if you know what a plethora is." Hahaha, name that mooovie in the comments section below!!!! This time I used the following cheeses starting at the top left and going clockwise: Jarlsberg, provolone, pepper jack and sharp cheddar. Guess who got which cheese? I took the Jarlsberg and the sharp cheddar, of course :)
 Now this trick I am particularly fond of. You fellow Newtonians should remember the Woolworth's on Main St. right? Well, when I was a busy bodied youngin I would cruise uptown on my bicycle and head straight to the old five and dime store. They had this cool lunch counter w swivel stools covered in metallic red vinyl. I'm pretty sure they were red, that was a very, very long time ago. Anyway, one of my favorite things about chillin there was the fact that you could see into the kitchen. I used to love to watch them make my food, it was like I got to be a part of the whole process. It was all very personal. I can't for the life of me remember the lady's name who worked there for what seemed like a million years, though she knew mine, but she had this trick that I thought was brilliant then and I have often used it through out my life to remind myself of the wonderful little things that make me smile. Tell us the trick already, gosh!!! She used mayonnaise on the outside of the bread instead of butter. I am not a fan of mayo usually, but I love doing this for my grilled cheese sandwiches... sometimes. Today I wanted to share this trick w you so I smiled the whole time I was doing it.

Down goes the first piece of bread, mayo meet griddle.

I put the second slices down and top it w the other cheeses. Then, on top of one slice I add the bacon, the turkey and a sprinkle of the other cheese for glue.

 Slam her shut. Try not to turn your sandwich more than once if you can help it. And if you use the mayo, let it get nicely brown before you attempt to flip it, it's not quite as forgiving as butter. But trust me here, you should try it. It's really good. Maybe if we all knew how mayo is made we might understand this technique a little better. So here's some more info about mayonnaise.

Crispy, crunchy, cheesy, melty...
 Chipotle-y... and perfectly browned.

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