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Tuesday, April 17, 2012

April is National Grilled Cheese Month

My favorite appliance, the counter top griddle. I use it for absolutely e-v-e-r-y-t-h-i-n-g. I had been wanting one for years and just never remembered to pick one up. Then one day my husband suggested a big breakfast for dinner (call us crazy), offered to go to the grocery store and came home w this little beauty. 

Now some people like to wash their cars or mow their lawns to show they like to TCB (take care business, thank you Aretha Franklin), but me? I love to use my griddle. If I could, I would use it out front in the driveway so all my neighbors could watch in drooling envy of my amazing kitchen tool. But alas, I have neither a driveway out front nor neighbors that would care. So instead, I offer up a blog post to you, my dedicated readers, of a simple almost wordless pictorial demonstration of how I use my beloved griddle to make a fantastic grilled cheese sandwich.

I have to give a couple well deserved shout outs here: My BFF Nicol saw the provolone trick on TV and told me about it. We made these last time she visited and they were a huge hit! I can't go back. I always have to make at least one w the provolone on the outside. And no, you don't need any oil or butter when doing it that way. Apparently the cheese has enough, because I haven't had one stick yet. The second shout out goes to the Deli guys at, where else? My grocery store! They always give me the inside scoop on the newest and yummiest arrivals. Today it was the Lamb Chopper cheese. From the Swiss family, it's sharp, nutty and creamy. I had them cut me a 1/4 lb. hunk off of a brand new block. Make friends w your grocers, people, they make your life so much tastier!!!

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